Matej Zupan

Matej Zupan is a flute Professor at the Academy of Music at University of Ljubljana. He completed his graduation and post graduate studies at the Academy of Music at University of Ljubljana under Professor Fedja Rupel. He completed advanced studies in Florence, Italy with Mario Ancillotti and attended masterclasses led by Trevor Wye, Michel Debost, Peter-Lukas Graf and James Galway. From 1996 to 2008 Matej Zupan was the principal flutist of the Slovenian National Radio Symphony Orchestra. He is a member of the ARIART Woodwind Quintet, the Academia Ars Musicae Chamber Orchestra, Contemporary Music Ensemble MD7 and Soloists Chamber Orchestra (Slovenian Composers Society). As a soloist and member of various chamber ensembles he performed in Europe, North and South America and Asia. He recorded for Slovene Radio and TV, RAI and ÖRF. He recorded five solo CDs and six CDs with two ensembles: Woodwind Quintet Ariart and Contemporary Music Ensemble MD7. He led seminars for Flute in Slovenia, Croatia, England, Austria, Italy, Serbia, Greece, Luxembourg, Brazil and the USA. He was a member of jury at different national and international competitions in Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and the USA.


Matej Zupan profesor je na Muzičkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Ljubljani. Preddiplomski i poslijediplomski studij na Muzičkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Ljubljani završio je u klasi profesora Fedje Rupela. Studirao je u Firenci u Italiji kod Maria Ancillottija, a dodatno se usavršavao na majstorskim tečajevima kod Trevora Wyea, Michela Debosta, Peter-Lukasa Grafa i Jamesa Galwaya. U razdoblju od 1996. do 2008. bio je solo flautist Simfonijskog orkestra RTV Slovenija. Član je puhačkog kvinteta ARIART, Komornog orkestra Academia Ars Musicae, Ansambla suvremene glazbe MD7 i Komornog orkestra DSS Soloists. Nastupao je kao solist i član raznih komornih sastava u Europi, Sjevernoj i Južnoj Americi i Aziji. Snimao je za RTV Slovenija, RAI i ÖRF. Snimio je pet samostalnih nosača zvuka te dodatnih šest s Puhačkim kvintetom Ariart i Ansamblom suvremene glazbe MD7. Redovito održava seminare flaute u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj, Engleskoj, Austriji, Italiji, Srbiji, Grčkoj, Luksemburgu, Brazilu i SAD-u. Bio je član komisija na nacionalnim i međunarodnim flautističkim natjecanjima u Sloveniji, Mađarskoj, Rumunjskoj, Italiji, Srbiji i SAD-u.