Fedja Rupel [1937 – 2021]

Fedja Rupel was born in 1937 in Ljubljana. He graduated flute at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, in the class of Professor Boris Čampa. From 1957 to 1959, while he was still a student, he was a member of the RTV Ljubljana Symphony Orchestra. He continued his studies as a scholarship of the French government at the Paris Conservatory with Professor Gaston Crunelle, and also studied at the Ecole normale de Musique Conservatory in Paris. Throughout his career he was a solo flutist of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, a member of the Slavko Osterc chamber ensemble, Ljubljana Wind Trio and a solo flutist of the Teatro Verdi Orchestra in Trieste. He has performed throughout Slovenia, Europe and Asia and has premiered a large number of works by Slovenian composers, many of which are dedicated to him. From 1974 to 2012 he was a professor of flute and chamber music at the Ljubljana Academy of Music, and from 1985 to 1993 he was also the Vice Dean for artistic affairs. Fedja Rupel has won several notable awards, such as Student Prešern Award, III. Award at the Young Music Artists of Yugoslavia Competition in Zagreb (1959), Yugoslav Radio and Television Award (1967), Award of the Society of Slovene Composers (1972), Independent Award of the Society of Slovene Composers (1984) and Betett Award of the Slovene Music Artists Association.


Fedja Rupel rođen je 1937. godine u Ljubljani. Studij flaute završio je na ljubljanskoj Glazbenoj akademiji u klasi profesora Borisa Čampe. Već kao student, od 1957. do 1959., bio je član Simfonijskog orkestra RTV Ljubljana, a kao stipendist francuske vlade nastavio je studij na Pariškom konzervatoriju kod profesora Gastona Crunellea. Dodatno se usavršavao i na Konzervatoriju Ecole normale de Musique u Parizu. Tijekom svoje karijere bio je solo flautist Slovenske filharmonije, član Komornog ansambla Slavko Osterc, ljubljanskog puhačkog tria te solo flautist orkestra Teatro Verdi u Trstu. Nastupio je diljem Slovenije, Europe i Azije te je praizveo velik broj djela slovenskih skladatelja, od kojih su mnoga posvećena upravo njemu. U razdoblju od 1974. do 2012. bio je profesor flaute i komorne glazbe na Glazbenoj akademiji u Ljubljani, a od 1985. do 1993. i prodekan za umjetničku djelatnost. Fedja Rupel dobitnik je nekoliko značajnih nagrada i priznanja kao što su Studentska Prešernova nagrada, III. nagrada na natjecanju mladih glazbenih umjetnika Jugoslavije u Zagrebu (1959), Nagrada Jugoslavenske radiotelevizije (1967), Nagrada Društva slovenskih skladatelja (1972), Neovisna nagrada Društva slovenskih skladatelja (1984) i Betettova nagrada Udruženja glazbenih umjetnika Slovenije.