Denis Verroust

Denis Verroust studied flute with Pierre Paubon, Ida Ribera and Francis Gabin, and graduated at the Saint-Maur Conservatory. As a laureate od several international competitions, he has made several concert tours in France and Europe. He dedicated a large part of his professional life to musicological research on the flute repertoire and recordings, which resulted in many lectures in France and abroad and numerous published articles. He is the founder and artistic director of the Au temps de Mozart festival that was founded in 2003 in Palaiseau, a town where he has been teaching since 1980. He was the chief  editor of Traversières Magazine (1991-2000), President of the French Flute Association La Traversière for nearly fifteen years and has organized the French Flute Conventions on four occasions. Currently, he is President of the Jean-Pierre Rampal Association (AJPR) dedicated to the flute virtuoso, that Verroust founded in June 2005. His work on Jean-Pierre Rampal has led him to write numerous articles on the virtuoso and to present lectures about him around the world (Salle Gaveau in Paris, the Nice International Summer  Academy, Manhattan School of Music and Yale University in the U.S.A., and others).


Denis Verroust učio je flautu kod Pierrea Paubona, Ide Ribera i Francisa Gabina, a diplomirao na Konzervatoriju Saint-Maur u Francuskoj. Kao laureat značajnog broja međunarodnih natjecanja, nastupao je diljem Francuske i Europe. Velik dio svog profesionalnog života posvetio je muzikološkim istraživanjima flautističkog repertoara, što je rezultiralo mnogim održanim predavanjima u Francuskoj i inozemstvu te velikim brojem objavljenih članaka. Osnivač je i umjetnički voditelj festivala Au temps de Mozart koji se od godine održava u Palaiseau, gradu u kojemu Verroust od 1980. godine vrlo uspješno djeluje i kao profesor. Bio je glavni urednik flautističkog časopisa Traversière (1991-2000), predsjednik Francuskog udruženja flautista La Traversière u razdoblju od gotovo petnaest godina te organizator Francuskog skupa flautista u nekoliko navrata. Trenutno obnaša dužnosti predsjednika Jean-Pierre Rampal Association (AJPR), udruženja koje je posvećeno flautističkom virtuozu i kojeg je Verroust osnovao 2005. godine. Također, objavio je i niz članaka o Jean-Pierru Rampalu te o njemu redovito održava predavanja diljem svijeta (Salle Gaveau u Parizu, Međunarodna ljetna škola u Nici, Manhattan School of Music i Sveučilište Yale u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i dr.).